“Skandinavien” Albion Byrd – podcast review

Tea in the Sahara

Kev: Critic & Podcaster

This week’s review echoes the vibe of Leonard Cohen’s final album, “You Want It Darker.” Positioned as an immersive audio series blending mystery, horror, and the paranormal, let’s try the combination lock of “Skandinavien” to determine if it deserves a spot on your podcast playlist.

Like most indie creators “Albion Byrd” does everything from writing, acting, sound design, production, and quite possibly makes a mean cup of tea.

Let’s cut to the chase and possibly rule out some happy-clappy folk. This podcast delves into the darkness. However, to appreciate the light of day, one must embrace the darkness of night or something like that.

The plot for “Skandinavien” unfolds through two interwoven storylines. The primary narrative centres on Conrad (VO Albion), residing in a remote Scandinavian windmill. Conrad appears to work as a freelance pathologist, prompting the question: Who needs an autopsy in such a desolate place? If you include high-ranking headless politicians into this equation the need for discretion quickly becomes clear.

So how dark, is dark?

Early doors Albion Byrd, the creator, shared with me that he’s received encouraging feedback on the first six episodes he’s released. I’m as happy as Larry to echo that praise for this awesome debut podcast.

The gritty writing and scene setting transition from serene to macabre as Albion admirably handles all the male voice-over work. However, at times, the trippy nature of this podcast can also make it challenging to keep track as we shift gears between scenes.

IMO, the juggernaut driving force behind this audio drama lies in its sound design. When a podcast is produced by a trained musician, you notice the nuanced details they include. The audio insanity within this series felt bizarrely reminiscent of a rock opera like The Who’s “Tommy.” Let me know if you agree?

Before we hail a cab and split the fare, let’s wrap up this review. With its dark content, Skandinavien will definitely divide the audience like Marmite. However, if you’re seeking something truly dark and edgy, congratulations – you’ve just unearthed a hidden gem in life’s junk shop.

Podcast submissions – tinthesahara@gmail.com
Scores for “Skandinavien” 6/10

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Jayne Banks as the voice of Nora
Albion Byrd is the voice of everyone else!

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